Monday, December 20, 2004

The Christmas Letter

After an average year of soccer where two of our kids each scored a goal and neither team won any regional tournaments, our youngest decided to study ballet and chose not to be in the Nutcracker, quote: I don't like to perform.

Our older kids both took a full load of courses at the public school for the first time... and then promptly dropped either one or all their courses because they didn't feel like working that hard. No one is getting straight As (caveat: though Johannah is carrying her heaviest load as a homeschooler yet and no thanks to me, is great at algebra!) and all of them enjoy hours online reading Live Journals or playing games like Solitaire, or X Box Live (Halo 2 rocks, apparently).

Husband spends time bonding with the boys by wielding his own controller and shouting edifying-to-their-relationship comments like: "Hey, you said you wouldn't snipe me! Get out of my face!" and stuff like that. The boys laugh their heads off as they crowd for the kill.

We have not taken any trips abroad, nor have we added on to our house, no one won the lottery and we haven't earned many miles on our American Express Cards.

However our votes counted in the recent election, and I'll bet you can't say that. We're in Ohio. (Lawyer's footnote: these votes are subject to change pursuant to the wide-spread voter fraud being ferreted out by crack reporters and third party, sour grapes candidates...)

And we did get a new dog, well, not new exactly and not a pure bred dog either but he is a real dog and it only took one failed attempt with pet rescue to get him... we aren't bad pet owners really and that site that shows a white bunny shivering in the neighbor's backyard under a woodpile is not *our* bunny, well at least, we don't think so.... because we think our bunny is dead.

For those who must know the "achievements," they follow:

Noah (17) - works at B&N in Starbucks division, plays RPGs with friends and has successfully grown his hair to mid-back length. Also is cast as Orlando in Cincinnati Shakespeare Festival's high school production of "As You Like It."

Johannah (15) - competed with Lakota West number one color guard, goes to clubs to watch her favorite bands, hangs with friends and reads lots of books/online journals.

Jacob (13) - sells cookies and used the money to go to Space Camp, sells more cookies for future house/villa in Santa Barbara where we will retire in his back nine, knows all things LOTR and is 13 - his social life just ramped up by a ratio of one thousand.

Liam (10) - X Box expert, WarCraft afficianado, LaCrosse and basketball playin' fool! We're reading Harry Potter aloud together and he helps me count birds for the Project Feeder Watch.

Caitrin (8) - dancing and singing foo'. She's a ballerina, a soccer player, a best friend to Sarah, can thread a needle and sew a button, READS!, and creates objets d'art with materials found in our own home.

Jon - works at Setting Pace, is a new X Box gamer, also gorgeous hunk after Atkins, twenty year partner who still thinks I'm hot. Need I say more?

Julie - grad school in theology, business that is growing, homeschool that is an ever-shifting shape, and finally a system to get housework done. I know - housework systems are a tad overdue, but c'est la vie of a mother of five (who are always home, constantly at home, never away from home...)

We're happy. How are you?

Merry Christmas to all of you!


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