Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Harry Potter covers unveiled!

USA Cover

UK Cover

Click the photos to enlarge. (We own the UK version of HP 6 because we were in Italy when it came out so I included both covers for your enjoyment.)

And this is how we're getting ready...
Caitrin reads aloud


SUSAN said...

Rereading is a good idea! I can not wait!!


Dalissa 365 said...

I prefer the US cover! I can't wait 'til summer. I need to reread and rewatch as well.

NoVA Dad said...

One of my nieces is a Harry Potter fanatic -- I've been very careful not to ask her if she's looking forward to the next book. I'm sure she's one of the millions disappointed that this will be the last (even though there are a few more movies to look forward to). I've opted for the movie route; there are too many other books on my nightstand and scattered around the house that need my attention.