Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Of tests and Christmas

That's me looking happier than I feel sitting in the Xavier library. :)

To ponder:

Why would a Catholic University schedule finals week for the Monday through Friday before Christmas on the following Monday?

Yes, that means I am writing a final this week... and it is not finished. I should have worked on it last night rather than watching the re-coronation ceremony of one Peyton Manning.


Off to study. See you on the flip side.

Update: Finished! All I have left are Works Cited. For those interested in what I'm writing about, I used this article as one example in my discussion of globalization and justice: vis a vis the environment.


margaretm said...

I hope that you feel great about your final! I know you did well, and now....it's over!!!!!


Dcn Scott Dodge said...

"Why would a Catholic University schedule finals week for the Monday through Friday before Christmas on the following Monday?"

Because it is still Advent. I hope it goes well for you! Hang in there.

Ampersand said...

I know you pulled something brilliant out of your, ummm, head?

That made me think of a saying that I came up with for my kids, "Now you just put that idea right back up your ass where it came from!"

Yes, my kids are messed up. Yes, I'm the one that messed them up.

So, are you all finished now? Can you relax?

Sorry that perfect-peyton had a great game last night!!!


Anonymous said...

There are never good times for finals, but right before Christmas is so frustrting and distracting.

Ampersand said...

Wow, Julie, that article mad me so sad. I don't even know how we can begin to put the genie of globalization back in the bottle.

Interesting contrast to another aspect of globalization,that of the information age, which mostly seems to be a force for good.

As local communities are destroyed it seems like other cyber-communities are being created. I wonder where this is all headed. What kind of world will our grandchildren live in?