Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Turn left at the Freedom Center, cross the bridge

and find yourself at the new high-tech Creation Museum:
The museum's aim is to bring Genesis - the first book of the Bible - to life for all ages, and promote the belief that the Earth is less than 10,000 years old. Everybody who works at the museum has to sign on to the belief that the living Earth was created in six 24-hour days - rejecting the convention most scientists view as fact, that life evolved slowly over millions of years.

To hammer that point home, two smiling children clad in tasteful animal skins, work and play alongside a pair of baby Tyrannosaurus Rex. "You go to some of the major museums and dinosaurs are their teaching icon," said Mr Looy. "We're going to turn that on its head, and use dinosaurs to show that the Bible presents the true history of the world. We have people, and dinosaurs, together."

Yet another great reason to visit me in Cincinnati...


Chuck said...

Just what we need to put Cincinnati on the map :-( I've seen this monolithic structure while driving to the airport. It looks more like a bomb shelter than a museum.

Yet another example of misusing/misunderstanding the bible and making it become what they want it to be.

" Answers in Genesis prides itself on having many qualified scientists on staff, including Dr Georgia Purdom, a molecular geneticist by training, from one of Ohio's main universities.

"It's foundational. If you can't believe Genesis, then why believe any other part of the Bible? You can't pick and choose, you can't say this part is right, and this part is wrong," she said, halfway through supervising an online tutorial in her office. "

David Blakeslee said...
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David Blakeslee said...

What do little children in animal skins playing next to baby dinosaurs have to do with Genesis? Are they really interested in "bringing Genesis to life" or in fabricating an new mythology that will quickly become as dated and absurd as "Heritage USA," the Jim & Tammy theme park/resort that flourished for awhile in the early 80's?

Still, the opportunities for mischievous satire presented by this project are quite enticing, so let's enjoy it for what it is...

Ampersand said...

I guess it's all cool for the YEC peeps to have a place to go to experience the book of Genesis. No worries for me there.

But, I seriously doubt they are going to create many converts to YEC with a display of "two smiling children clad in tasteful animal skins, work and play alongside a pair of baby Tyrannosaurus Rex."

Unknown said...

I loved the reference to "tastefully clad animal skins" - are you kidding me? So we're getting all the lessons: modesty, children playing cooperatively, dinosaurs living when humans lived, and all in a multi-million dollar state of the art structure! Capitalism to boot.
