Saturday, February 03, 2007

Cease and Desist (via K-Bob - thanks!)

Kansas Bob cites an injunction against an Indianapolis church wanting to throw a Super Bowl party complete with evangelistic message. So what do you think about that? Interesting...


kc bob said...

Thanks for the link Julie. It is a pretty silly action. I wonder if it is about the church's message or if it is all about the money. Super Bowl commercials communicate messages of all sorts that don't seem to bother NFL officials.

Note to church webmasters: Keep NFL game announcements off your website ... big NFL brother is watching :)

David Blakeslee said...

It's about the money. I don't think there's any evidence that the NFL is against Christianity or gospel preaching. Quite the opposite really, given the prominence that evangelical ministries have inside each of the organizations. They just don't want private groups using NFL properties for their own marketing purposes, and the Super Bowl is their biggest treasure.