Sunday, October 30, 2005

A little rosary therapy...

Joe Biden comes unglued...

"If I'm the nominee, Republicans will be sorry," said Biden, a Roman Catholic, who previously ran for president in 1988. "The next Republican that tells me I'm not religious I'm going to shove my rosary beads down their throat."

Poor grammar and bad theology. Thus maketh a politician!

As the Cincinnati Enquirer reported this a.m.:

"...[S]omehow, vowing to 'donate' rosary beads past someone's epiglottis doesn't quite fit our definition of Christian charity."

Pat Robertson's plea to send the CIA to Venezuela to assassinate Chavez must have led to Chavez expelling all missionaries from his country.

So Biden is right! He and Robertson are cut of the same Christian cloth, apparently.

Sometimes it's hard to remember what the hell Christianity is supposed to be about anyway...

1 comment:

Bilbo said...

Obviously Mr. Biden is not a Christian pacifist. Let's just hope and pray, with beads or no beads,if Mr.Biden does run for President that he is not a fundamentalist/literalist Catholic. Not just for our sake, but for the sake of all those Repulicans who will be walking around D.C. with Rosary beads stuffed down their throats and hang-in out of their mouths...Would make an entertaining Sat Night Live skit though...