Or Insane Eighteen Year Old? You decide
Remember the old Par Cours that we all did in the 70s and 80s? Runners would go into the woods jogging and then every tenth of a mile or so, they'd stop to do pull ups or push ups or to trot on top of wooden stumps, etc. Well, there is a new urban version of this sport called ParKour (the best athlete in this field is French). Noah has joined the local chapter... and is now seen around town flinging himself (and pony tail) at cement buildings.
The basic idea is to hurl your body off of rooftops and fire escapes in abandoned parts of the city while doing gymnastics moves like kips, dive rolls (yes, right onto concrete), and flips. The action of this sport looks a lot like Trinity in the opening scene of the Matrix... and surprisingly, just as graceful.
Noah, my rock climber, my "challenge death from age 12 months and forward" child took to this new life threatening time killer like an oil slick to Alaskan waters. ::shudder::
One of the little movies demonstrating the sport was set in Russia. Talk about an urban gymnast's dream! All those abandoned buildings and dangerously decaying stairwells? I saw the world through new eyes... Made me wish for my youth.
Here are a few pics:
I know! I was blown away by the pictures. I had understood what he would be attempting but hadn't relly thought about the height.
We were at Xavier last week and he walked up the metal railings of the stairwells all the way back to the van.
Truth is, I don't worry about Noah and injury. He has been incredibly self-aware about his physical limits from the earliest age. I have never stopped him from climbing or walking on walls. He just does those things effortlessly.
I joked that he's always been doing ParKour but we never knew what to call it. Now we do.
Injury rate? Shudder. I won't even go there. :)
My friend and co-worker Juanito Moore is into ParKour (he doesn't capitalize the K though.) Here's a link to his blog with a picture of him doing a mild maneuver. He would probably be more rad than that but he's a parent now you know and he has a young son who's watching.
There's also a ParKour website link at the bottom... screwgravity.com :o)
Not that my decision matters but I would say that your son is insane...but aren't most 18 year olds...Isn't there a law about ParKour participants at least wearing helmets?...My dear lady....hang in there.....
Turns out I am misspelling Parkour. It is with a lower case K.
Thanks for all the "support" y'all. :)
Noah did say that his muscles were so achy the next day he almost couldn't walk down the stairs! Time for some old fashioned workouts to build muscle, apparently.
Just found this blog through a search for "cincinnati parkour".
That area looks like sawyer point, Does your son still practice? I noticed this was from 2005. If so could you send him our way?
my site: www.cincinnatiparkour.org
email: m.simpson(nospam)fuse.net
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