Saturday, November 05, 2005

Perks of Being a Graduate Student

After years of being a stay-at-home mom

  • New books, new clothes, and the necessary application of make-up on class night.

  • A sexy vocabulary - "post-foundationalist deconstruction" and "ideological hegemonic criteria" Hot, hot, hot! When those professors start going on like that, I swear it's all I can do to sit there and take notes... Makes me hurry home to my husband's big vocab, if you know what I mean. ;-)

  • More writing opportunities than you can shake a stick at... or at which one may shake one's stick.

  • A library with really old books in German by Goethe. It doesn't matter that I will never read them. It matters that they transfer immortality to me each time I stroke the spines.

  • Adults who dare to question everything they know, leave the ministry and wind up in food service (Dominoes pizza and Starbucks come to mind). Who says an MA in theology doesn't prepare one for the workforce?

  • Subversive ancient texts. Word up! There's a conspiracy out there to disarm these texts. We theology students know better and are sneaking into your water cooler conversations and online bulletin board chats. Postmodern malatov cocktail anyone?

  • Standing in front of school buildings and forgetting my age for just a minute.

  • Feeling smart.

  • Having new thoughts about old topics.

  • Reading.

  • Getting sane without spending a penny on therapy.

So what are you waiting for?

Oh and I have no idea what in the world I'll do with a theology degree... except try to finagle a way to keep taking classes.


Unknown said...

You can justify the money by not buying any furniture for the years you are in grad school. Also, you can justify the money by thinking of all the ways you haven't been a normal Texan who shops every friggin weekend at the big malls.

Also, you might see it as payment for being a sahm... after all, we don't get a paycheck so this is about the closest thing to it.

I'm so sorry everyone is sick! Yeah, it's not good to miss class.

Here's hoping for clarity in a sea of confusion and feeling like crapola.


Anonymous said...

Not fair--not fair! I want to stroke the books too, LOL!

I'll be back to read more, but have to run for some IRL coffee with a friend. NOT one who speaks theology though, so I'm taking my knitting. Actually, now that I think of it knitting and theology are not mutually exclusive. . .